The latest revamp of their website was in 2012. Every year we do updates to keep the site fresh and relevant. Creating the site using a content management system like WordPress allows to easily and economically give the site a new look every year. In this latest revamp we went with some darker blues to match the logo. We also kept the Live Chat button green and centered on the homepage for greater exposure. Incorporating a Live Chat system into their system helps connect their sales team with their key clients. We work to incorporate targeted online ads via google adwords to help drive new business to the local business
Product Brochures
Throughout the year we create product brochures for their sales staff. A basic template is used to create a consistent branding image. Since 2007 we have created over 30+ brochures for the engineering services and products.
The existing logo has seen new tag lines and updated colors. The original logo has been in existence for decades. We work to keep a balance of the decades old brand recognition of their logo with a bit of twist to keep the brand looking fresh.
Trade Display
Tint Press created a banner for EZOffice for the NeoCon show this spring.
Tint Press has been handling the marketing pieces of Weber Knapp since 2007. Working closely with the sales staff and employees to provide marketing solutions for an engineering manufacturing company.